" Handle a local quickfix command function! quickfix_auto_open#Local(command) abort " The only difficult quickfix command to handle is :lhelpgrep, because it " uses the location list not for the current window but for a :help window, " creating a new one if necessary. Worse, that window creation doesn't " happen until *after* this event has fired, so we have to defer the " location list opening with a dynamic autocommand that self-destructs. if a:command ==# 'lhelpgrep' " Expect a new window to pop up after this event has finished; hook into " it to check its location and the presence of a location list, and open " it up if so; then remove the hook autocmd quickfix_auto_open BufEnter * \ call s:Help(bufnr('%')) | autocmd! quickfix_auto_open BufEnter " All of the rest of the commands are really easy: else lwindow endif endfunction " If the buffer just entered is in a :help window with a location list with at " least one item, pop it open function! s:Help(bufnr) abort " Get buffer and window number let bufnr = a:bufnr let winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr) " Test buffer type and location list existence and non-zero contents if getbufvar(bufnr, '&buftype') ==# 'help' \ && len(getloclist(winnr)) > 0 execute winnr.'windo lwindow' endif endfunction