path: root/plugin
diff options
authorTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-05-12 23:36:03 +1200
committerTom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>2019-05-12 23:36:03 +1200
commit3d331486745f983bd0392e3d2d2d2ffcbfdfa376 (patch)
tree68dad8b73915f02263580a6407ed4b6a6850b9ae /plugin
parentSwitch to two-spacing (diff)
Remove unneeded variable scoping
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim b/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
index 207863a..5fde8e3 100644
--- a/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
+++ b/plugin/strip_trailing_whitespace.vim
@@ -6,48 +6,48 @@
" Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
" License: Same as Vim itself
-if exists('g:loaded_strip_trailing_whitespace') || &compatible
+if exists('loaded_strip_trailing_whitespace') || &compatible
if !has('user_commands') || v:version < 600
-let g:loaded_strip_trailing_whitespace = 1
+let loaded_strip_trailing_whitespace = 1
" Wrapper function to strip both horizontal and vertical trailing whitespace,
" return the cursor to its previous position, and report changes
function s:Strip(start, end) abort
" Save cursor position
- let l:line = line('.')
- let l:col = col('.')
+ let line = line('.')
+ let col = col('.')
" Whether we made changes
- let l:changed = 0
+ let changed = 0
" If we're going to the end, strip vertical space; we do this first so we
" don't end up reporting having trimmed lines that we deleted
if a:end == line('$')
- let l:vertical = s:StripVertical()
- let l:changed = l:changed || l:vertical > 0
+ let vertical = s:StripVertical()
+ let changed = changed || vertical > 0
" Strip horizontal space
- let l:horizontal = s:StripHorizontal(a:start, a:end)
- let l:changed = l:changed || l:horizontal > 0
+ let horizontal = s:StripHorizontal(a:start, a:end)
+ let changed = changed || horizontal > 0
" Return the cursor
- call s:Cursor(l:line, l:col)
+ call s:Cursor(line, col)
" Report what changed
- let l:msg = l:horizontal.' trimmed'
- if exists('l:vertical')
- let l:msg = l:msg.', '.l:vertical.' deleted'
+ let msg = horizontal.' trimmed'
+ if exists('vertical')
+ let msg = msg.', '.vertical.' deleted'
- echomsg l:msg
+ echomsg msg
" Return whether anything changed
- return l:changed
+ return changed
@@ -55,26 +55,26 @@ endfunction
function s:StripHorizontal(start, end) abort
" Start a count of lines trimmed
- let l:count = 0
+ let count = 0
" Iterate through buffer
- let l:num = a:start
- while l:num <= line('$') && l:num <= a:end
+ let num = a:start
+ while num <= line('$') && num <= a:end
" If the line has trailing whitespace, strip it off and bump the count
- let l:line = getline(l:num)
- if l:line =~# '\s\+$'
- call setline(l:num, substitute(l:line, '\s*$', '', ''))
- let l:count = l:count + 1
+ let line = getline(num)
+ if line =~# '\s\+$'
+ call setline(num, substitute(line, '\s*$', '', ''))
+ let count = count + 1
" Bump for next iteration
- let l:num = l:num + 1
+ let num = num + 1
" Return the number of lines trimmed
- return l:count
+ return count
@@ -83,34 +83,34 @@ function s:StripVertical() abort
" Store the number of the last line we found with non-whitespace characters
" on it; start at 1 because even if it's empty it's never trailing
- let l:eof = 1
+ let eof = 1
" Iterate through buffer
- let l:num = 1
- while l:num <= line('$')
+ let num = 1
+ while num <= line('$')
" If the line has any non-whitespace characters in it, update our pointer
" to the end of the file text
- let l:line = getline(l:num)
- if l:line =~# '\S'
- let l:eof = l:num
+ let line = getline(num)
+ if line =~# '\S'
+ let eof = num
" Bump for next iteration
- let l:num = l:num + 1
+ let num = num + 1
" Get the number of lines to delete; if there are any, build a range and
" remove them with :delete, suppressing its normal output (we'll do it)
- let l:count = line('$') - l:eof
- if l:count
- let l:range = (l:eof + 1).',$'
- silent execute l:range.'delete'
+ let count = line('$') - eof
+ if count
+ let range = (eof + 1).',$'
+ silent execute range.'delete'
" Return the number of lines deleted
- return l:count
+ return count