diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/doc/kimble.txt b/doc/kimble.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 65d6d72..0000000
--- a/doc/kimble.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-*kimble.txt* Simple Subversion wrappers
-Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
-License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
-Some simple Subversion command wrappers to ease the pain of developing with
-Subversion as a VCS. This is very experimental and will be developed more as I
-have time and/or inclination.
-COMMANDS *kimble-commands*
-:Sstatus *kimble-:Sstatus*
- Runs 'svn status' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen.
-:Scommit *kimble-:Scommit*
- Runs 'svn commit' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen.
-:Sinfo *kimble-:Sinfo*
- Runs 'svn info' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen.
-:Supdate *kimble-:Supdate*
- Runs 'svn update' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen.
-:Sadd *kimble-:Sadd*
- Runs 'svn add' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional
- argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file.
-:Sblame *kimble-:Sblame*
- Runs 'svn blame' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the left of the screen. Accepts an optional
- argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file.
-:Sdiff *kimble-:Sdiff*
- Runs 'svn diff' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional
- argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file.
-:Slog *kimble-:Slog*
- Runs 'svn log' and prints its output in a scratch
- buffer at the bottom of the screen. Accepts an optional
- argument, otherwise assumes you mean the current file.
- vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/doc/tags b/doc/tags
deleted file mode 100644
index 82046ea..0000000
--- a/doc/tags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-:Vawk vawk.txt /*:Vawk*
-:Vcut vawk.txt /*:Vcut*
-:Vonly vawk.txt /*:Vonly*
-kimble kimble.txt /*kimble*
-kimble-:Sadd kimble.txt /*kimble-:Sadd*
-kimble-:Sblame kimble.txt /*kimble-:Sblame*
-kimble-:Scommit kimble.txt /*kimble-:Scommit*
-kimble-:Sdiff kimble.txt /*kimble-:Sdiff*
-kimble-:Sinfo kimble.txt /*kimble-:Sinfo*
-kimble-:Slog kimble.txt /*kimble-:Slog*
-kimble-:Sstatus kimble.txt /*kimble-:Sstatus*
-kimble-:Supdate kimble.txt /*kimble-:Supdate*
-kimble-commands kimble.txt /*kimble-commands*
-kimble.txt kimble.txt /*kimble.txt*
-vawk vawk.txt /*vawk*
-vawk-commands vawk.txt /*vawk-commands*
-vawk-variables vawk.txt /*vawk-variables*
-vawk.txt vawk.txt /*vawk.txt*