path: root/vim/after/ftplugin/markdown/autoformat.vim
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Move Markdown and PHP ftplugins from after dirTom Ryder2018-06-041-96/+0
| | | | | | | Because we use our own private copies of the primary filetype plugins, they'll get loaded in the correct order from here. Also adjust Makefile to accommodate the extra level.
* Support counts and registers in paste wrappingTom Ryder2018-06-041-3/+3
* Rearrange/correct markdown_autoformat.vimTom Ryder2018-06-041-19/+9
* Clear markdown_autoformat.vim autocmds correctlyTom Ryder2018-06-041-1/+1
* Move markdown_autoformat.vim funcs back to localTom Ryder2018-06-041-4/+64
| | | | No advantage to making them autoload
* Set and clear Markdown autocmd in groupTom Ryder2018-06-041-4/+13
* Use heuristics on Markdown to guess autoformatTom Ryder2018-06-041-0/+4
* Refactor suspend_autoformat.vim, add autoloadTom Ryder2018-06-041-0/+33
* Add a function to suspend autoformatting for the duration of pasting lines. * Factor the ftplugin's functions out to be autoloaded; this requires Vim >=7.0, but it already needed that. * Add Makefile infrastructure for new autoload directories/files.