path: root/bin/irc-ebooks-run
blob: 189ffb38c36d737d10295d5fb90d401a0b583dac (plain) (tree)

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Run an IRC::Ebooks bot.
# Author: Tom Ryder <tom@sanctum.geek.nz>
package IRC::Ebooks::Run;

# Force me to write this properly
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use autodie;

# Everything's UTF-8
use utf8::all;

# Require Perl v5.14
use 5.014;

# Import required modules
use Carp;
use Config::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;

# Our custom module
use IRC::Ebooks;

# Declare package version
our $VERSION = 0.1;

# Set options
my ( $opt, $usage ) = describe_options(
    'irc-ebooks-feed %o [IRCLOGFILE ...]',
        'configuration file',
        { default => '/etc/irc-ebooks.conf' },
    [ 'help', 'print usage message and exit' ],

# Give help if needed
if ( $opt->help ) {
    print {*STDOUT} $usage->text
      or carp q{Couldn't write to stdout};

# Read configuration
my $config = Config::Tiny->read( $opt->config )
  or croak sprintf q{Couldn't read configuration file %s}, $opt->config;

# Create IRC::Ebooks object
my $irc_ebooks = IRC::Ebooks->new($config)
  or croak q{Failed to create IRC::Ebooks object};

# Run it