Hi mate- this is when you stop to panic and tell me whats wrong with your dog.
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July 13, 2008 - 04:02 PM

  Dear Brett,

I have 2 dogs one gets all shivery now and then and hides under the computer. She gets shivery because of STORM CLOUDS on the horizon. My other dog never got shivery until one day, the gas man came to replace our gas. Then my other dog was shivvery. She gets shivery because of THE GAS MAN.
How can I stop them being shivvery and stop the spread of this infection to other dogs we meet on our walkies.

July 12, 2008 - 06:35 PM


My dog won't fuck me anymore. I used to love having him penetrate my bumhole every night but now he just won't knot me. Please halp!

PS: I love you lotox <3
July 05, 2008 - 03:20 PM
harry hobton

  Hi there brett,
I am just curiose as to where I could purchase such a fine beast as the dog shown on dog solution. All my preivouse dog are never that fat. I need a fat one like yours.
June 30, 2008 - 08:15 PM
Luke Massoud

  oh Brett I am so glad to see your site is still going, your latest willy wonka post had me in tears and while on the subject of chocolate here is my REAL dog problem. Im so glad that dog solution is finaly on line.

Last week I reiceved a package from Japan in there was two blocks of chocolate . I ate one. While I was sleeping I heard soem noises in the room with the chocolate. So I went in to see who was in there ... there was nothign in there. So i closed the door and went back to sleep. In the morning I went outside and on teh lawn was the wrapper of the chocolate block all over the grass. The chocolate had been eaten by my dog oscar. OH NO! I had remembered on the tv that chocolate kills dogs. SO I quickly went onto the internet to read and learn. Many people on there "said shit send you dog to the vet imediatley and she will Give three tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide" but it was the next day. I got back on the net to fidn the nearest number of the vet. I called her and she said "has he done dirahear" so i went out side and I could find no shits anywhere. She said he will probably act drunk you shoudl bring him in and we may maek him vomit. I asked my dad and he said that he has eaten many easter eggs before. He seemed fine and he never went to the vet. He is still alive today and seems very good quality. What is teh truth about doags and chocos ?
also why do dogs all always piss on things ?
thanks brett

ps. I need you to make some games for me
June 24, 2008 - 12:05 PM
Carlene Smith

  My dog growls and barks. It's that normal? I beat him like Cesar Millan says, but he still barks and bites me. I have no hands anymore. What do I do?
Sincerly Sincere,
June 24, 2008 - 05:31 AM
Par Leazle

  It is good to have you back Brett!! I was getting worried, mate!

I have a German Shepard puppy that was born without a tail. Very sad, I know, but I love her very much despite her ugliness. What should I do to give her a tail? Can I go to the dog doctor and ask them for a dead dog's tail to staple onto my dog?

She gets very said when other dogs wag their tails in her face and look like they are laughing. I want her to fit in . . .

Please help my poor, ugly dog.

Best Regards,

June 22, 2008 - 07:24 AM
Naras Yasajfid

  I dont need help but my dog does. I have a male dog, equiped with all male dog parts in his situation (if you get my meaning). He loooovvvvveeeessssss to hump everything. Even other male dogs. I dont think of my dog as gay, but sometimes he gets very very confused. If he wants to hump other lady dogs then be my guest, but he shouldnt be humping other guy dogs. At least I dont think so, nowhere for his red rocket to go...
June 21, 2008 - 02:42 AM
Marcos McRocha

  I'm afraid to go to the vet for this one and I need some help. I had friends in town and we made pot brownies. I believe my dog ate the brownies while we were at a concert. Before eating them he was always hyper and off the wall, now he is always mopey and mellow. He is constantly rummaging through the house looking for food. He even ate a box of my girlfriends tampax (no #2 for a week). How do I bring back the life in my dog? Should I feed it more brownies?
June 20, 2008 - 03:15 AM
Matt Parlette

  Good Mornin' Mate,

I am a Doge Owner who is in dire need of some guidence. My dogg has ben pooping and peeeng on my bed at nite. Some times she Ralph's. I have ben feeding her a steady diet of gravel and glass like I red in a book and she still acts like a jerk. poo, pee, broken glass, blood every morning. it is anoying.

Also please do not be gone for so long ever again. OKAY? yes.
June 20, 2008 - 03:03 AM
Alex Skizzleton

  Where have you been? My dogs have been sick for so long and you are their only savior!

One of my dogs has extremely short legs, and the vet tells me this is a normality. What does that mean is normality a defect? Should I try to stretch them out?

My other dog is very old and grumpy. I think he is ok and healthy but old. How do I cheer him up and make him forget that he is going to die soon?
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